Howard County Rifle and Pistol ClubSM

Join Us! Or just get in touch.
To join the HCRPC:
Download and complete the application form, then give it to the VP-Membership at the next Club event, along with your NRA proof of membership and check/cash. You can also write to the VP-Membership using the form below. Details on joining and renewing are provided below.

New Applicants:

Mail the completed application with your check to the address below or deliver at the first club

meeting that you attend.

Any citizen of the United States, eighteen years of age or older, is eligible to make application for membership to this club. All applicants for membership shall be sponsored by a member of the club. The sponsoring member shall be a member in good standing and have been active in the club for at least one year. The applicant for membership must present him/herself at a quarterly or special meeting of the club and introduce him/herself to the membership. The applicant must also participate in one additional club activity prior to induction. Acceptance to the club by two-thirds vote of the quorum at a quarterly or special meeting is required.

However, the requirement for participation in one additional club activity prior to induction may be waved by a two-thirds vote of the quorum if the sponsoring member will appear at a club meeting and personally attest that he/she has had personal knowledge of the good character, integrity, and reliability of the applicant for at least a one year period prior to the making of the application. All other requirements still apply, including the AGC required safety briefing. ¶¶New members who wish to use the facilities of the Patapsco Ranges will be required to have a familiarization by the club's Range Safety Officer on the Patapsco Ranges and all safety requirements and procedures, and to sign a statement of their understanding and willingness to comply therewith before being issued a range badge.

Renewing Members:

Bring your completed application to the December-January-February club meeting with your check and mailing label from your NRA magazine, or mail to the address given here. Make your check payable to: Howard County Rifle and Pistol Club or HCRPC. (Please do NOT write Inc. on your check.) Mail with a SASE (self-addressed stamped envelope) to:

    HCRPC c/o Haas, 2810 Woodsdale Road, Glenwood MD 21738


HCRPC membership runs from January 1st through December 31st. A renewal grace period of THREE MONTHS, January-March, is observed. After March, you will be considered a new applicant and the new member initiation fee will be assessed. Membership fee is $10 after June 30th. New member applications in November/December will be considered as being made in the following January for the purpose of fees.An HCRPC renewal membership requires continuous, year-to-year HCRPC membership with no lapse in membership standing. Since 1993, all new and renewing members are required to be members of the NRA while they are members of HCRPC. To renew on-line, go to


Range Badges are sold by The Associated Gun Clubs of Baltimore (AGC) at their office on the Barnes Rifle Range. Badge sales for the upcoming year commence early November and badges continue to be sold every weekend throughout the year until approx. September. When paying for the Range Badge, your must show photo identification and your current HCRPC membership card. You may pay for and receive your membership card at the November/December/January meetings, or we can mail it to you after we receive your renewal application and check and self-address stamped envelope. AGC range badges are valid from January 1st through December 31st, with a grace period for renewal of ONE MONTH.

Howard County Rifle and Pistol Club, Marriottsville MD